Course of sculptural portrait from a photograph

Course objectives

Aquest curs se centrarà en construir un retrat en tres dimensions, usant terra refractària. Al procés d’aprenentatge durant la construcció se sumarà l’exercici de l’observació, capacitat que ens permetrà ser acurats amb les proporcions i aconseguir el màxim grau de similitud entre el model i l’escultura.

Una vegada acabat el modelatge realitzarem el buidatge de l’escultura, per a ajudar al seu assecat i per a preveure una posterior cocció de la figura en el forn ceràmic.

Completed the course:

  • You will know how to choose the right materials and tools for modeling.
  • You will be able to observe a photographed bust and reproduce it in great detail.
  • You will know the proportions of a human bust, being able to build proportionate figures, correct both formally and gesturally.
  • You will obtain realistic finishes.
  • You will master the process of casting a sculpture for firing in any ceramic kiln.
Course fee



9 hours

January classes

18 and 19

February classes

1 and 2

Once you purchase it, we will contact you to confirm your preferred date.

The August classes correspond to three different editions of the course.


On the first day we will begin by explaining the type of structure we will use, how to work with the tools we will have and what steps to follow to build the portrait, before proceeding to its modelling.

On the second day we will finish by learning how to divide, empty and assemble our sculpture, preparing it for firing in a ceramic kiln at 1000 ºC once it is completely dry.

Other details of interest

  • The course will be held at Natàlia Ferré’s Gallery, located at Carrer de Redign 16 de Tarragona, and will last 9 hours.
  • A maximum of 8 people will be able to register, a number that guarantees 100% personalized attention from the teacher.
  • It will be essential to bring at least 4 folio size photos of the bust of the person chosen for the portrait. These photographs, which must have good resolution, will be used to comfortably observe all the facial and anatomical features of the model.
  • It is not necessary to have previous sculptural notions, as each process will be explained step by step, from start to finish.
  • The registration fee includes all materials.

Sign up for this sculpture course

You can enroll or give this course as a gift by purchasing it online, calling (+34) 678 611 170, sending a message through Instagram or Facebook, or filling out the form below. If you’re still not sure, send us your questions and maybe we can convince you.